Ghostware: Testing Devlog

Ghostware: Testing Devlog

This Devlog for Ghostware will focus on the following topics:

  • -Bug fixes
  • -Balancing

NOTE: A testing session was not conducted for the game due to computer issues so this Devlog focuses on more general bugs and issues.

The main issue currently in the game is the player not taking damage when standing next to an enemy for an extended period. To fix this, the collision detection was changed from just checking trigger enter to also checking trigger stay, allowing for the player to be damaged when standing in a hitbox for an extended period.

Player does in fact get hurt when standing still now :)

To balance the game a variety of changes were made:

  • -Changing enemy health values to better fit the difficulties.
  • -Not allowing the wraith boss to use multiple attacks at once.
  • -Limiting the number of strings that the mask boss can spawn.
  • -Changing the speeds of both the mare boss and regular enemy
  • -Making object ghost projectile bullets deal less damage.
  • -Making the ground pound impact and waterfall damage from bosses be increased

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